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2019 WVWMF Spotlights

WV Women Moving Forward aims to empower more women to enter or re-enter West Virginia's workforce, driving greater economic prosperity across the Mountain State. Each working group took steps toward this goal in 2019.

Education - To address unconscious biases and thought processes that may hurt women’s later career successes, this group held implicit bias training for current and future educators based on focus group and survey feedback. The goal was to educate teachers and talk about ways to prevent gender bias in the classroom.


Pay Equity - With talent in high demand and women playing an important role in family finance contributions, West Virginia employers can work toward more informed approaches to addressing disparities in pay equity. This group created a Pay Equity Pledge to encourage state businesses and organizations to better understand, analyze, act and share best hiring, promotional and pay practices, helping to keep and attract top talent in-state while igniting local economies and growth.


Workforce Barriers - To ensure West Virginians have the appropriate work attire for interviews, the first day on the job and thereafter, this group developed a "Ready for Work" toolkit for organizations to host local clothing drives that collect the most-needed items for locals to get ready for work.

Download the At-A-Glance WV Women Moving Forward handout here.